Featured image List most common Korean vocabulary
Korean language resources

6000 Most Common Korean Words – I found the official list!

Most of us learning Korean language, while looking for a way to memorize basic Korean vocabulary as quickly as possible,ย have come across that list. The list of most common Korean words. Whether you discovered it in Memrise courses or on the unofficial TOPIK blog, what you were looking at all come from one source -… Continue reading 6000 Most Common Korean Words – I found the official list!

Practice speaking korean voice recognition
Korean language resources

How to practice speaking Korean when you don’t have Korean friends

Is it even possible to practice speaking Korean without native Korean speakers? With the help of technology, of course it is! Many people who are learning Korean don't live in Korea and don't have native speakers to practice with. I'm even worse. Not only do I not know any Koreans who I could talk to,… Continue reading How to practice speaking Korean when you don’t have Korean friends

Korean stationery haul Morning Glory brand
Korean stationery

Korean stationery haul: 17 cute notebooks and language study supplies

This is my first Korean stationery haul. As you can see below I bought a lot of cute Korean stuff, but actually there was a lot of self-restraint involved. I wanted to buy everything! Korean planners, and notebooks, and pens, and diaries, and markers... But I am proud to say I ended up buying only… Continue reading Korean stationery haul: 17 cute notebooks and language study supplies

Korean stationery online
Korean stationery

Where to buy Korean stationery and school supplies online

I needed a new notebook and a few other studying supplies for my Korean language learning and it just felt right to use Korean stationery and school supplies for that. It wasn't as easy finding them as I thought, and I wasted a lot of time searching, so at the bottom of this post I… Continue reading Where to buy Korean stationery and school supplies online